The Guru College

Happy Birthday, Qais

A year ago today, at 12:19 in the afternoon, Qais Emerson Dezendorf was born. The last year has been one of learning and growth – for him and for my wife and I. We have learned how much joy the little guy can bring into our lives, even as we learn how to get by with less sleep and less time to do other things. We have loved every minute of it, even the hard parts. We would have it no other way. Qais, you are worth every minute of every day.

I’m also deeply indebted to my wife, who has taken on the full time job of a stay-at-home-mom. There is no greater job in the world – in gravity, in rewards, or in importance. I am humbled at her ability to care for, feed and love our child. My goal as a father is to do half as much for him as she does – and I often don’t come close, though I try as hard as I can, every day. Qais’s birthday – especially this first birthday – is as much a celebration of her as it is him.

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