The Guru College
Things He Will Always Know
It struck me the other day that ever since Qais was born, I’ve had an iPhone.
More to the point, multi-touch displays are a common thing, and he’ll never know a world where it’s just some cool technology demo that may or may not make it to the consumer market. When people bring up BetaMax versus VHS, he’ll know it as a legal ruling, not as a choice consumers had to make. He’ll probably never have much if any use for audio cassette tapes. I doubt that he will ever shoot on film, unless he’s making movies. And even then, possibly not. He’ll never use a Polaroid Instamatic camera. Branching out, the internet has always been available everywhere you go. There has always been a commercial space industry for tourists. Gay marriage has always been legal in some states.
There’s the Beloit Mindset List is made for graduating high school students that reminds all the rest of us just how old we are. Just trips me out really badly to think of what’s going to make it on this list 18 years from now that don’t occur to me. The one that hit me is #32 from this year’s list: There has always been Pearl Jam.. Honestly, this is all just blowing my mind.