The Guru College
The Troll Announces Some Prices
Mr. Murdoch is thinking people will pay $2/week to view WSJ content on their iPhones and Blackberries. Why would they, though, when they could pay $2.29/week to get the damn thing delivered, to their door, every day.
Personally, if I cared about the content and the quality of their articles, I’d shuck out the extra $1.50 per month to get a copy delivered to my door every morning that I can read without having to poke and zoom with my fingers. Don’t get me wrong – I love media delivery via the iPhone – but if I’m going to read a lot of text, I don’t want to stare at something the size of a pack of playing cards in my hand. It’s handy when you’re on the go, but I don’t know anyone who would prefer reading text off an iPhone to reading the equivalent material on a full size computer monitor.