The Guru College
Small Annoyances
Yesterday, Apple partially fixed an annoyance I’ve had with iOS 7, the iPhone 5S and the camera roll. It’s a minor thing, really, but it was a limitation I ran into every day: burst-photography with the 5S’s camera was lumped into a collection of photos, and didn’t upload the images to the Camera Roll until you had picked out favorite images. This means that you had to either go back after shooting and pick through the images on the phone, or sync your phone with your computer directly. Needless to say, I just stopped taking burst photographs when I could avoid it.
With the iOS 7.1 update, there is now a setting (“Settings” -> “Photos &” Camera -> “Upload Burst Photos”) to send everything to PhotoStream, which is close to what I want – but it still doesn’t update the Camera Roll, which means DropBox never sees the images. I don’t know if the DropBox folks could pull from PhotoStream instead of the Camera Roll (I very much doubt it), but this kind of crap drives me nuts.
I’m almost tempted to go back to PhotoStream and point photo-importer back at the PhotoStream folder. But then I remember I’m not crazy and I don’t want to sign up for extra work.