The Guru College

More Thoughts On OpenAFS, Part II

There actually is a significant problem running OpenAFS at home that I am well aware of, [and didn’t mention in my last post on the topic][1]. I bring it up now, as the casual reader of this blog may not be aware of this technical wrinkle: OpenAFS requires a Kerberos domain be setup for use. As I can’t very well use my employer’s Kerberos infrastructure, and have a self sufficient OpenAFS deployment at home, I’d also have to setup Kerberos (and by extension keep up my DNS and NTP) services. It may well be better to go ahead and roll out an OpenLDAP environment, so in the future, we can have multiple logins across the house for the same accounts.

But I get ahead of myself. The problem to solve is storage, however that happens. If other problems come up, and they look interesting enough, and I have the time and the resources to tackle them, great. Otherwise, I’m just here to solve storage (and this does limit the appeal of OpenAFS).

[1]: ‎

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