The Guru College
Photo Work
So, I’ve finally gotten to do some real contract type photo work! A friend of mine used some of my pictures for a website he was contracted to do – Blue Oasis Pet Care – and this has lead to another project he’s working on, for PetZone, a Dubai based pet store. I’m really quite impressed with both. Most of the pet stores in this country feel very… sad. PetZone is a lot more friendly, and I’d even feel ok putting a pet of mine up there in the kennel or cattery for awhile. And I’ve heard nothing but amazing things about the doctors (vertrinarians?) the Blue Oasis… but I digress.
My wife and I went out and shot nearly 1000 pics for the PetZone site, and now I’ve got to meet with the webmaster and with the client and work on the list of shots they want and do editing. There goes all my free time that I’m not using for packing!