The Guru College

The Beginning Of The End

This seems to be it. A massive, coordinated, infected botnet the likes of which the world has never seen. It’s sneaky, it’s distributed, and it’s hard to find, much less shut down. It already has between 1 and 50 million infected hosts, and attempts to root it out have failed. It’s been running for a year.

Wired New Coverage

Curious Yellow is here.


So, I’m not posting nearly as often as I would like to this part of the blog. Life has gotten very busy for me in many ways – some in happiness and some not. It seems that every time I sit down, thinking to write a post, I’ve got nothing worthy to say. However, I do have something worthy – I’ve started posting to the photoblog part of this site every day. No more skipping weekends – now I’m posting 7 days a week. And with pixelpost running the backend, there’s nothing to stop me from scheduling posts a week in advance, or more. You’ll see what I mean next week!

So yeah, this is just a friendly reminder, especially to those of you who watch via RSS, that the photoblog portion of the site has a new address:

Halo 3 is crazy

Those crazy kids at MIT that pull pranks every year are at it again – this time, with a Halo 3 theme.

That takes some work. Color me impressed.

Markdown, Showdown, and WYSIWYM

What You See Is What You Get.

That was the idea behind the Macintosh. The idea that made PageMaker, all those years ago, so powerful. And it’s what’s missing from the internet. Totally missing. Some applications try to attempt it – but without fail, if you want your website to look the way you want it, you are going to have to get into code. HTML code – and it’s not the easiest to read.

Which is why John Gruber developed Markdown – a simple way to develop content for the web. His site, Daring Fireball is written in it. There are perl modules developed for parsing the language. And it is very elegant. I like the language for it’s simplicity – many times, the need to get into complicated coding just to express a point makes the point not worth expressing. However, for some reason, I resist moving to Markdown.

What You See Is What You Mean

My last reason has been taken away. Here are two slick demos of a What-You-See-Is-What-You-Mean (WYSIWYM) editor – implemented in Javascript, and live for the world. Give them a whirl. Show them to your friends that aren’t savvy to all this. I think they can use it – and be impressed. I’m going to look at moving to this as fast as I can – this is a pretty amazing way to edit and compose.

Photoblog, RSS and ATOM

I encourage you to visit the the main photoblog for this site, as the thumbnail views aren’t very pretty. I’m trying to get a better thumbnail view setup, but for the time being, the address for the full size images is

If you are looking for the RSS or Atom feeds, they are:

Also, if you’re not familliar with RSS or ATOM, you may want to look into a newsreader. There are two web-based ones I know of, Google Reader and Bloglines. It’s an easy way to keep tabs on blogs, news sites and other self-updating sites.


I’ve been having sinus problems the last few days – which means the weather here is starting to change. It will take a few more weeks before it gets pleasant outside, but it’s coming. Of course, I’ve been laying on my back whenever I can, drinking lots of water, and eating decongestants to make myself feel just slightly human. Anyway, I’m back on my feet, as best I can tell, and I’ll be posting slightly more often than I have been. (Which only means that if I post once between now and the 22nd, it will still be more often)

Update On the Twins

So – the twins have names now: Sebastian and Sophia, and they are home from the hospital now! I’m very happy to be a uncle for the 3rd and 4th time in the last few months!

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