The Guru College
Weather News Sites
First, there was the age old Weather Channel that people used to joke about getting high and watching “for the laughs”. I never saw the point. However, when I moved over to the internet for my weather news, I went directly to It took years to break that habit and start using The Weather Underground, who had a much less irritating site layout and generally more accurate data. They also didn’t make it hard to get detailed hourly forcasts, which at the time I switched, was hard to get from the site.
Today, I think I have been moved again. NOAA has their own weather forecasting site. It’s time to drink directly from the source. The only bad thing is they don’t do international weather.
Blog Updates
I’ve upgraded/updated the software running the blog. Mostly so I can use my iPhone to post entries. Yes, I’m a dork.
I’ve taken John Gruber’s lead and blocked the DiggBar from looking at this site. It’s not that I run a high traffic site – it’s that some day, I might. And I think it’s dishonest and downright mean of Digg to do this. And I don’t buy any of the reasons people have offered that might make this “ok” for Digg to do – that they need pageviews to make their VC investors happy, or that they are actually trying to help with URL shortening services.
Here’s the wordpress plugin I use to block the DiggBar.
Even better – Digg is “burying” the negative articles about the DiggBar. How quaint.
Post from iphone
This post is a test of posting and writing with the iPhone wordpress application. Seems decent. Not sure how I’d put a link in or anything snazzy like that but I’m sure that poking around will prove usefull. I’ve only used the app for about 5 minutes in total.
When Digg Buries Something
Just remembered – last time I remember Digg trying to bury something, it kinda blew up in their face.
Arc Attack
So I’ve joined the ranks of the criminally insane. Yes, I’ve joined twitter. I promise to forget about it really soon, unless something interesting starts to happen. Username: bwdezend
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