The Guru College

Good News

It appears that the hard drive in my array is not failing – or at least, not as bad as I expected. I’ve done two more scrubs the disk with no errors, or increases in the error counts. I’m still going to keep a careful eye on it, but I’ve got a window to breathe in. If I can swing it, I’m going to put some faster drives in my Mac, and move the 750’s in my Mac into the array as hot spares.

Mr Murphy may strike – posting this may force the drive to fail. We’ll see.

No Picture Tomorrow

There won’t be a picture of the day on the photoblog tomorrow. My upgrade is still running. I started it at noon, and it’s 8:30 PM. It’s almost to the halfway mark (%48), and it’s nearly 23 of the way through ‘upgrading thumbnails’. 58,017 left. Sheesh.


Here’s another tool to add in, along side nikto and nmapskipfish, an internal Google tool, hosted on Google Code. It’s written entirely in C++, and compiles cleanly on Snow Leopard (after libdin-1.18, which also installs cleanly).

Running the full tests against my Nagios VM took about an hour – and pushed about 4GB of data over the network to the VM. The report is comprehensive, and found two places where I’d forgot to validate my inputs for SQL inserts – which would allow for SQL injection attacks. This is very handy, and I’m going to keep it in my arsenal of security tools.

Slow going?

After nearly an hour of imports, this is where I am. There are nearly 76,000 images in the library, and it's going through each one.

UPDATE: 45 minutes later, it’s processed 10,000 more images. 65,181 to go.

High ISO vs Megapixel Count

In a press release recently, Nikon announced that they were going to start focusing on striking a better balance between ISO performance of their DSLRs and megapixel counts. This makes me a little sad. I’ve been lusting after a D700 for some time and this raises the question: is Nikon going to sacrifice some ISO performance for higher megapixel count?

I hope they leave the ISO sensitivity alone. I really want the D700, or it’s replacement, for two things – it’s full frame sensor and the insane usable ISO levels. I’m not concerned with megapixels.


Little kids get sick a lot. A whole lot. It messes with them. Recently, Qais spent another couple of days with his head down on our shoulder, sleeping as much as he could. It appeared to be a combination between a viral infection and some heavy teething. Along with that came a high fever and heavy congestion. My wife tells me he was snoring like I do when I’m having a bad night. Window shaking.

He’s mostly better – up and playing again, and sleeping better. Which means we get better quality time with him during the day, and better time to ourselves at night when he’s sleeping. I hope this means I’ll catch up on some of my photography and writing projects.

Software availability

Don’t you hate it when a piece of software you have just discovered turns out to be unsupported? This just happened to me. I was writing a review of GPS Stone and I couldn’t find it’s link anywhere on the develoers site. Turns out, it was cancelled several months ago but the developer didn’t pull it from the app store.

The lack of a decent tracking app makes me wonder – how much work would it be to write an HTML5 app that uses the gps in the iPhone? It would save me frm having to deal with app store development.

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