The Guru College
Unbroken Links and a Story
So, I’ve managed to fix the links on the pixelpost page – not only had I wiped out the link to this blog from the top, I’d also blown away the google analytics code that helps me know if I’m doing an OK job with the sites. I learned that google’s code is JavaScript, and most RSS readers don’t interpret JavaScript – so anyone who’s subscribed to my blog via RSS isn’t showing in my traffic profile.
Now, for the weird part. On June 4th, the site went from it’s usual 20-70 pageviews a day to 196. In total, 154 of them came from Abu Dhabi. In the span of 45 minutes. And it seems they went through a significant selection of my photos from the pixelpost site. From a single network provider. I’m not sure how the UAE reports it’s location blocks, but it seems to know when a user in in Dubai vs Sharjah vs Abu Dhabi – so I’m going to assume when they say it’s Etisalat, they don’t mean just some normal Etisalat customer – they mean Etisalat the company. So – whoever you are – welcome! If you like, leave me a comment. (Finally have that turned on here as well as the photoblog – got the comment spam filter working).