The Guru College
The Accuracy of Google Reader Suggestions
When I first started using Google Reader, I was amazed by the accuracy of the recommended feeds. Most of the feeds I had imported were tech news feeds, web comics and photoblogs. Consistently I would get suggestions via Google Reader of new stuff to read, or new photoblogs to look at, and most of them would be interesting. I think I was subscribing to %90+ of the suggestions for the first 6 month.
Then, slowly, the accuracy started to taper off. My personal hit rate recently has dropped to less than %5 of the suggested sites being of interest. Either I’m running out of the intarawebs, or Google is starting to fall down on it’s job of organizing the world’s information. And while I am subscribed to 257 photoblogs, I’m sure there are more out there that are worthwhile.
Last week, Reader suggested the New York Times photoblog “Lens” for the 4th time. I declined it yet again.
Today, Google Reader suggested that I subscribe to a Hebrew-language news site that averages over 500 posts a week, and 4 German language sites, two which appear to be tech blogs and two that are news outlets. My German is very rusty (“Ich bin ein Berliner”), and I have no idea how to read Hebrew.