The Guru College
Sometimes I’m Ashamed
My generation keeps whining about how the baby boomers are keeping all the good jobs by not retiring, how they aren’t able to succeed because they are paying for health care, etc etc etc… and then we have this. A student who sues the university she attended for not being able to find her a job in the three months after she graduated. Bear in mind that this is one of the worst job markets in 40 years. This appears to be an extension or logical extreme of ‘helicopter parent’ meme that has been circulating recently – the parent that calls a company after their son or daughter has an interview to try to ‘help’ their child gain employment, or argues with a college professor about the grade that was assigned for a project. The children get accustomed to this kind of behavior, and come to expect that when there’s a problem, the person who has been providing for them needs to take care of the problem. What happened to the idea of being self-reliant? Solving one’s own problems? Accepting responsibility for one’s actions?