The Guru College

It’s official – we’re homeward bound

I’m leaving for the UAE forever. Again.

It’s weird to think that I’m heading back to the US for the last time (again), soon. I’ve already done this – I got the t-shirt and all that – and now, I’m doing it again. I hope this time around I won’t irritate my friends and neighbors as much with all my “wow it’s so green here” talk that I know rankled them last time. For anyone who’s missed the news, Charlotte and I are going to be parents soon! That was the motivator for moving, and then everything else seemed to fall right in line.

We should be back in the US right after Thanksgiving – I’m starting a new job on December 1st – but from some fairly silly complications in life, I’ll be headed back to the UAE in late December for a short visit to finalize the last paperwork and job details.

Who knows, I may be back again.

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