The Guru College

If It’s Not Done, It’s Not Done

The corollary to rule that you should Write A Little, Every Night is that if it’s not done, it’s not done. Even if you’re working on the 10th revision, don’t publish something until it’s ready for consumption. This is true for three posts I’m writing for this blog currently. I had planned to have made more progress on them, but it’s slow going, and I’m not about to publish them before I finish polishing them.

This “don’t post till it’s done” mentality applies equally to any creative work, including photography. One should never be in the position to release work before they are satisfied with the end result. I’ll be the first to admit that sometimes I publish pictures that I’m not totally happy with, just to have something to put up for the day’s picture of the day. And yes, I’m working on changing that. You may have noticed recent gaps in my photo posts – mostly because I’ve not had a lot of time to take more pictures, and I feel the archives are running thin.

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