The Guru College

Home Again

So, the whirlwind trip is over – I’ve finished off my time in the UAE (again) and am settled back in Raleigh, NC, for the foreseeable future. House is up and running, jet lag isn’t so bad anymore, and the family is happy to have me home again. And it’s good to be back in the US – surrounded by the things I knew growing up and the comforts I grew accustomed to before I decided to go on my little adventure.

My computers are currently in transit from Dubai, and most of the pictures I took over the last three weeks didn’t get up into DropBox, so I’m working with my old boss to copy them off the temporary storage space he kindly allowed me to use until I get US based storage worked out. Hence, there are no new pictures on the photoblog side of this site, and it may be another couple of weeks before I get any semblance of order restored to posting.

At some point, I’m going to write up my frustrations with HSBC, the Sharjah Police Department, expiring passports and international data transfer, but at the moment, I’m focused on trying to be a pleasant human being, and it would be out of character to rant and rave like a lunatic about something that is settled and done with. Also, I’m composing all of this on my iPhone, which isn’t the easiest thing to write on.

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