The Guru College

Broken Links

I’m half tempted to make this page (the one you are reading, assuming you’re not using an RSS reader) the main redirect off the URL – as the recent upgrade of pixelpost on my photoblog seems to have overwritten my dual-linked headline bar. Grrr. I hate it when I don’t check the docs carefully enough to prevent these kinds of things. Of course, if I spent a just a little more time working on this site, I’d see things like this more often.

Working on a writeup for Solaris Nevada, Sun Cluster, AVS, ZFS and… a file service. So far, I’ve got the ZFS over AVS stuff down pretty well, and I’m working on the Sun Cluster part of things. What I’m working towards is a multi-protocol (CIFS and NFS at least) high availability – and with AVS, I can have each node in the cluster be in a different building. Cool stuff. Of course, I’ve managed to destroy the development boxes a few times – well, the HDD partition tables at least – trying to be clever with stuff. But I’m getting there.

Hopefully I’ll be heading into Dubai this weekend to take pictures of stuff and get a few hard drive bay brackets – I managed to fry the logic board of a drive having it laying inside my el-cheapo server case – and I want to get some proper mounting hardware to keep this from happening again. The drive is in to Seagate for repair – I’m not sure if they will honor their warranty in this situation – but with the inability to add a single drive to a raidz set in ZFS, the fileserver is on hold (again) until that comes through. Bah.

Enough for now. Here’s a video of a monkey washing a cat.

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