The Guru College

And So It Begins

The irrelevance of News Corp in the media landscape, that is. Rupert Murdoch has announced that not only are they going to errect a paywall around their properties, they are going to remove themselves from the search indexes. Someone must not be looking at their server logs to see where their traffic comes from. I’d be willing to bet a significant portion on my next months’s salary on the fact that almost all of their traffic from external sources – from referrals, search engines and the like. Very little of it comes from another News Corp property, be it the Times or Newsday or the Wall Street Journal (or whatever else they own).

I’m also really curious to see if Microsoft tries to slip them some cash to get sponsored referrals – in effect paying for bing users to read the content. It’s something they could certainly fund, and would draw attention to Microsoft, who is also becoming increasingly irrelevant.

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