The Guru College
Qais, Growing Up
It’s weird to watch him grow up so fast. This week we discovered that he loves peaches. Loves them. Despite the faces he makes sometimes when gnawing on them. We’ve been peeling the skin off little slices and sticking them into a mesh-bag like pacifier, and he goes to town. We had tried banana in the past. He didn’t dislike them, but he never got into it either. The peaches he can’t keep out of his mouth. After we finish eating our dinner, we give him a slice or two to let him chew on. Tonight, for the first time, he swallowed some and didn’t spit it back out a few seconds later. So, I think he’s finally had some of his first solid food – though we’ve been encouraging him for nearly two weeks now. Here’s his angry face:
The other big development is that he’s trying really really really hard to breakdance crawl. Laying on his belly, he’ll get up on his arms, pushing himself really high up, and then drop himself onto his face and kick his legs. It’s almost like he’s learning to clutch, and hasn’t quite gotten out the terrifying-your-parents-in-the-parking-lot phase yet. Once he’s on his face and kicking, though, it’s really cute. He gets crazy, rocking his body all around, and it looks so much like those videos of kids from the 80’s busting a move. We of course, can’t stop laughing.
In all of this we’ve noticed that he’s starting to become very independent. That’s not really the right word for it, but it’s the best I can think of. If we’re trying to feed him a slice of peach, he wants nothing to do with it if we’re holding it or trying to put it in his hand. He turns his head away until we’ve put it down on the tray in front of him, and allow him to pick it up, and try to eat it. Of course, half the time, he drops it on the floor (which Greta loves), but he’s got to be the one doing it. If you try to give him a toy, often he won’t gnaw on it unless it’s in his hand, under his direction. Thankfully he will still take toys handed to him, but it’s going to be tough if he decides he needs to pick everything up as well.