The Guru College
From the title of this post, one could easily assume I’m talking about tech stuff. However, this time, I’m talking about our children, and the different ways they react to both of us. To be clear, I’m talking about our son Qais, and our puppy Greta.
Greta is a little easier to understand – mostly because I’ve dealt with dogs before. Charlotte is home more than I am, but I think I may do more of the walking and feeding. That is up to debate, but Greta certainly treats the two of us differently. Not in a bad way, mind you, but different.
Qais on the other hand often calms down more when Charlotte holds him. Recently, though, we had some friends over, and he wouldn’t calm down for anyone but me. I had to circle the block twice before he would really calm down. There are other times that Charlotte has told me that I have a calming touch – usually when I come in from being out, and pick him up. I don’t see that I’m making much of a difference, but Charlotte swears I am.
Tonight, I took Q for our usual after-work dog walk. Due to bad planning, I forgot to bring his pacifier with me. I did the longer loop – which is about a mile and a half – which we often do. I was trying to get a little exercise for myself and Greta, and give Charlotte a bit of a break at the end of a day of caring for my son. Maybe halfway through the walk Qais just lost it. Screaming, crying, the whole nine yards. Once I got him home, and he got out of the carrier, he calmed down, like nothing had happened. I think he was just showing his preference to not be with me. Which is ok – but it was a long walk home.